Thursday 30 April 2015

How to Draw a Dragon and Castle


 Like always start with making the guides. In this case you will begin with the torso, wing, neck, and head guides.



 Start sketching out the shape of the head in a side view pose or profile pose. The mouth is open, and the back part of the head is frilled.


 Carefully take the time to sketch in the razor sharp teeth to both the top and bottom jaws. Once that is done add some shading inside the mouth, then draw in the tongue. Sketch in the nostril hole, then add the scales scattered on the face. Draw the small horn at the top of the nose, then draw in the eye. Sketch the detailing inside of the ear or frilled section of the head like so.


 The head and face is all set. Sketch out the long neck which is lowered down, then sketch in the shoulders, some of the back and then the left arm. Dragon limbs are very defined with muscle so be sure to detail the muscle definition.


 Sketch out the talon and nails like so, then sketch in the scales that are scattered all over the body starting with the neck. Once that is done you can tackle step six.


 Before tackling the task for the wings, you will draw out the back part of the body, then draw the bent up back leg. Add more scales, then draw in the large mid open wide wings. Take your time as you sketch out the wing arches. Draw the definition on the back and on the wing arms where they are attached to the back.


 For now you can hold off with working on the dragon. You will now tackle the task of drawing the castle towers and the castle walls. Draw the notches on two of the towers and that includes the one that the dragon is sitting on.


 You will carefully take your time as you sketch in every single stone that details the castle walls, towers and roofs. The stones are odd in shapes and sizes so don't try and make each one uniform. The rocks should be drawn to fit into one another.


 Detail the wings with by adding the detailing to each one. Draw the tail, then erase the mistakes as well as the guidelines you made throughout.

STEP 10.

 Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can enjoy the task of coloring in your drawing on the castle and dragon you just drew and I'm sure you did a great job.




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